Kung Pau Tofu: The Unprocessed Giveaway

IngredientsKung Pau Tofu from Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, by Chef AJ.  For details on how to enter the giveaway, please see below.

Bowl Kung Pau Tofu

Kung Pau Tofu Bowl

To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment below or on any other Unprocessed blog post describing what you find most addicting: sugar, salt or fat.  Or, share your story of how you have cleaned up your diet and changed your life.  For additional entries you can also Like my Facebook pages, An Unrefined Vegan and/or Virtual Vegan Potluck.  The giveaway ends September 25.  Thank you!

The Deets
Title: Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight
Author: Chef AJ (aka Abbie Jaye) with Glen Merzer
Publication Date: 2011
Page Length: 178 pages including 100+ recipes
List Price: $19.95
Publisher: Hale to the Kale Publishing
Websites: www.EatUnprocessed.com; www.chefajshealthykitchen.com

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58 thoughts on “Kung Pau Tofu: The Unprocessed Giveaway

      1. Somer

        If I used that excuse every day, I’d be as big as a house and my green smoothies would get jealous. Tonight. So glad I all ready have the recipe! Pinning your photo!

  1. Kelly (@LeafynotBeefy)

    Oh, I’d love to enter! The sauce in the recipe above looks so amazing! Fo sure, I find sugar most addicting of the three. It seems once I have too much sugar, the salt and fat aren’t far behind, but if I’m good at avoiding sugar, I don’t care about having excess salt or fat.


  2. wildbluewonder

    That looks amazing! I think my biggest addiction of the three is sugar, although fat is a close second. French fries are a weakness!

  3. Cyndi Wardman

    Oh I like both of your FB pages. Can’t believe I don’t have this book yet. Of the 3 food evils, salt is my biggest one to kick. Not that I shake it on things but I like using soy sauce (recently switched to coconut aminos) and trying to keep the sodium down to keep the BP under control. This recipes looks awesome. I think I must make this weekend!

      1. annesturetucker

        Thanks Annie. I will try again :-) but you are right, this dish would also be awesome with just veggies.
        Have a great weekend!

  4. Rhonda Herbst

    I would say fat is hardest for me because I find myself wanting to use coconut oil in everything. I have like both pages on Facebook as well.

  5. Laurie

    I would love to enter your giveaway!! For sure I am a bonafide sugar addict!! Even after I went vegan, my last really unhealthy habit was that I still felt like I needed everything to be super sweet so I used artificial sweeteners until a few months ago. Now, I’m happy with more natural flavors and will use smaller amounts of pure maple syrup or agave when I feel the need for speed – I mean SWEET!! I’m craving sugar less and less now so I’m happy about that!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan

      Laurie, the same thing happened to me. Once I eliminated refined sugar and limited my “treats,” my taste buds adjusted. It’s amazing how icky sweet “normal” desserts are. Anyway – thanks for the comment and yes, indeed, you are entered into the giveaway!

  6. Erica Wollman

    I would like to enter! I liked both FB pages:) I find sugar most addicting. I now only use agave and look at the labels at the grocery store. Sugar is in everything!!! Tomato sauce, peanut butter…ugh!

  7. Susmitha - Veganosaurus

    Oh man I totally want to slurp that tamari-mirin sauce. Yum!!

    Here in India, salty snacks are a common bad habit that most people have. I used to be one of them but over the past few years I’ve reduced my snack consumption drastically. It’s all thanks to my hubby who kept stopping me from stocking up the pantry with salty snacks. Now my cravings are very rare.

  8. marktwainmusic

    This looks amazing! Wow! I think all three are hard for me. :( But I have made great strides in the past few years- I now eat a mainly whole-foods unprocessed vegan diet. My body and mind are much more stable without all of the addictive foods! This recipe is a great example of how unprocessed eating can still be delicious!

  9. biggsis

    Interestingly enough, what really threw my efforts to eat more healthfully into high gear was getting rid of the worst for me – sugar. I gave up all sugar 3 years in a row for Lent. That’s 40 days of no sugar beyond that present in fruit. Those experiences of deprivation showed me very clearly what the effect of high sugar was once I allowed myself to ‘indulge’, i.e. poison myself, again. Not that I don’t still crave sweets, I do. But I now know that if I eat something really sweet, especially on an empty stomach, I get a headache and sometimes even caffeine like jitters in about 10 minutes. Having reached that point of intolerance, it makes it easy, with an occasional overly sweet reminder, to limit sugar intake to more natural levels. Interesting that so far sugar is the most difficult for your readers to shake!

  10. tinykitchenstories

    That sauce would be amazing on anything! I made the switch to coconut aminos recently, but haven’t really had a chance to bust it out yet. Right now my addiction is to Justin’s dark chocolate PB cups–must make my own soon…

      1. tinykitchenstories

        Avoiding soy, so it’s the alternative. They taste about the same, but haven’t had too much chance to check them out….yet! :)

  11. Courtney

    That looks so good! The ingredients are so basic…I love it when basic comes together to make something that seems complicated and impressive!


      1. cmb0096

        Is the tofu even cooked in this recipe? Or is it raw with just the sauce mixture poured over it? I know a lot of people cringe at the thought of raw plain tofu, but I actually love it…weird, I know :-)


      2. An Unrefined Vegan

        You’re like my husband – he likes raw tofu! I’m not that hardcore :-). Yes, the tofu is cooked. I pressed it first, then browned it in a pan with tamari and rice vinegar as suggested by Chef AJ. You could also bake it first.

  12. Rachel in Veganland

    I”m just loving your Unprocessed posts! I find fat the most addicting… but foods that have all three are just as dangerous! :)

  13. Gabby @ the veggie nook

    Sugar is the most addictive for me. I need to be SOOO careful how much I consume because it so easily takes over every meal if I don’t!

  14. VegansHusband

    This looks awesome. Like Somer, I wan to eat this immediately. My current dinner might get jealous. . .

    Most addictive, sugar, salt, or oil, huh? I’d have to say sugar, because there is little I like better than sweets. Cookies, candy, chocolate. . . all like crack for me. I fight to stay away as much as I can, but every now and then, we have a bad evening, and I wake up feeling like I’d eaten a bowling ball. . .

    Know what I mean?

  15. Ashley

    Most addictive would likely be sugar! Although I could easily eat a box of Wheat Thins just hanging out watching tv… so I’m quite sure it’s a toss up. Thank you for the giveaway!

  16. hannah

    I want this one! The blueberry recipe you posted up top looks AMAZING, and this tofu one too. I guess the fact that the blueberry one would be my first choice speaks to my RELENTLESS sugar addiction! We don’t keep any packaged sweets in our house other than a bit of ice cream in summer (sorry vegan friends), but I do still like to bake. I cut the sugar down as low as I possibly can. I don’t ever use artificial sweeteners, and I have never liked things that are overly sweet anyway. My problem is that, come 3 pm, when what I really want is a nap, I have to stay awake with my kids. Enter the Dark Chocolate hero of my story. I now eat only 72% cacao, so much less sugar (I used to be addicted to the 52% cacao bars from Trader Joe’s – the difference in sugar content is pretty surprising!).

    We don’t give our kids processed foods (well, other than the flours etc we use for baking I suppose) but seeing what is out there in the market for them with sugar in it is horrifying. My husband (less terrified than me) sometimes says “What’s the harm in a real pop tart now and then?” which starts me on my “Would you give them CRACK COCAINE if it was JUST ONCE IN A WHILE? Because it is THAT ADDICTIVE!” crazy mama rant. Ha.

    Anyway. Looks like a great book Annie, I will have to check it out if we don’t win!


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