Kristy’s Cookie Exchange: Molasses Crinkles

Cookies on a PlateEvery generation has its version of “the good old days.”  For some, the memories are sepia-toned or come in shades of black, white and gray.  For me they’re tinged with the yellow fade peculiar to photos from the late 60s to mid-70s.  The era of unenviable hairstyles, long lines at the gas station, The Brady Bunch and the game of Life

To read the rest of the story and get the recipe for these soft, spicy and delicious Molasses Crinkles, please visit my guest post at Keepin’ It Kind.  Kristy – a talented and creative vegan cook and one of the gentlest souls out there – is hosting a virtual cookie exchange with lots of great bloggers and the recipes so far have been print-worthy to say the least.  The fun started November 27 and continues through December.  Thank you, Kristy, for inviting me to the party!

One year ago today: Whole Wheat & Almond Meal Chocolate Chip Cookies 

20 thoughts on “Kristy’s Cookie Exchange: Molasses Crinkles

  1. Cadry's Kitchen

    I just came by to say how much I enjoyed your post over at Kristy’s blog! So beautifully written and the cookies sound delicious!

  2. Somer

    I could use some of the warmth from these cookies! Why does eating cookies like this make you feel like you’re getting a big hug? xx

  3. Kristy

    These cookies were so wonderful! I made a batch with the intention of bringing them to visit family and well, between Chris and I, there were none left by Christmas day!

    Thank you so much for participating in the cookie swap! I can’t wait to do it again next year! :-)

  4. Pingback: On Becoming A Creative & Healthier Home Cook | my sister's pantry

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