Sugar-free Chai-Chocolate Green Smoothie


Vegan Chai Chocolate Green Smoothie by An Unrefined Vegan

Spicy chai, my favorite hot beverage transitions right into summer with a cool, creamy version that also features another favorite: chocolate.  Kale included at no extra charge.

You’ll need a spoon for this rich and creamy chocolate green smoothie.

Sugar-free Chai Chocolate Green Smoothie
Serves 2
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
435 calories
81 g
0 g
15 g
4 g
2 g
457 g
9 g
55 g
0 g
12 g
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Amount Per Serving
Calories 435
Calories from Fat 127
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 15g
Saturated Fat 2g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 2g
Monounsaturated Fat 10g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 9mg
Total Carbohydrates 81g
Dietary Fiber 14g
Sugars 55g
Protein 4g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  1. 1 1/2 cups strongly brewed chai tea, chilled
  2. 2 Tbsp. raw cacao powder
  3. 4-6 dates, chopped
  4. 2 chopped & frozen bananas
  5. 1 ripe avocado
  6. 1/4-inch slice fresh ginger
  7. 3-4 leaves of kale
  8. cacao nibs, for garnish, optional
  1. Combine all of the ingredients - except the cacao nibs - in a blender.
  2. Stop blender and stir occasionally if necessary. Process until smooth and creamy.
  3. Top with cacao nibs, if using, and serve immediately.
an unrefined vegan

Ingredients Collage

Smoothie Collage

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47 thoughts on “Sugar-free Chai-Chocolate Green Smoothie

  1. celestedimilla

    I love chai and I love chocolate, but I’ve never tried them together. Interesting combo – sounds delish. The next chocolate and peanut butter? And as always, you’re photo is very inviting!! Celeste :)

  2. Pingback: Chai-Chocolate Green Smoothie | Vegan Today

  3. tearoomdelights

    That looks divine! I’ve never frozen a banana before, this could be a new experience for me. I made a smoothie the other day with a banana that was getting a bit over-ripe, and some strawberries and dates, and I remembered you and your green things and chucked some spinach in there too. I’ve never put that in a smoothie before but I was going by your rules and it worked out great. One problem I have though, and it may be my blender, is that when I put dates in I’m always left with some lumps at the bottom that don’t whizz in nicely. Do you have any tips?

  4. Barb@ThatWasVegan?

    I never would’ve thought to combine kale and chocolate (even though they’re 2 of my favorite things!). And I love smoothies, especially now that the weather is getting hot (over 90 all week in Denver!)

      1. Somer

        …. Amber Shea Crawley has some in her Practically Raw book, I think I also saw some on Fragant Vanilla Cake or some other fancy raw vegan blog. Yeah, I haven’t made em yet, though I did put Kale in a blueberry lemonade smoothie this morning…

      2. Somer

        I personally love*savory* kale chips like nobodies business, but I guess if I’m putting them in smoothie, they’d probably be good with the dessert stuff, just can’t quite wrap my head around it…

  5. Brittany

    I just recently tried a chai latte and I was in love with the flavors of November. This smoothie would have me swooning, it looks delicious!

  6. mycookinglifebypatty

    I find lately I’m on some kind of “wavelength” with other food bloggers lately. Your post, serendipitously, is along the lines of a chai chocolate mousse I’ve been wanting to test out. Your smoothie looks dreamy! I think chai and chocolate are a winning combination.

  7. beginwithinnutrition

    This looks amazing! I never thought of using tea as a base for smoothies! Can’t wait to try it out!

  8. Heather @Gluten-Free Cat

    Wow, lady! This sounds absolutely incredible! What a delicious way to start the day. I love how you’ve hidden kale in this tasty treat. Hope you’re bringing it to Raw Foods Thursday this week!


  9. The Little Foxes

    Oh. OH. Look what we have here. Well, this looks freaking DELICIOUS. Why don’t we live together again?

  10. Penny Parsnip

    Yum! I use kombucha sometimes as my smoothie base, chai sounds good too.

    Now, someone please explain this to me: How is cacao different from cocoa? Other than placement of the vowels..

    1. An Unrefined Vegan

      Oh wow! Now that I wouldn’t have thought to try! I brew kombucha – must try! Thanks for the suggestion.

      My understanding is that the words cacao and cocoa can be interchangeable, but in the raw world, cacao is the raw version of cocoa powder (since it is heat-processed).

  11. Ally

    Wow, that looks decadent and delicious! I just happen to have some cacao nibs too. All of the other ingredients are staples in my kitchen.
    I am definitely making this. :)

  12. Richa

    I agree.. that is one heck of a pudding .. and all those flavors and kale in it. man, i cannot wrap my head around all of that.

  13. biggsis

    Lately I’ve been skipping smoothie posts…. feeling like there’s nothing new in that department. So glad I read this one – and should have just asked you to break out something awesome in the smoothie world. Didn’t have to ask – thanks!

  14. Linne

    Reblogged this on A Random Harvest and commented:
    Another intriguing creation by the Unrefined Vegan! And for those of you who are not vegan, you might want to add some kefir into the mix . . . I’m going to try that. I’ve never used kale in a smoothie or dessert; will be trying that, too, soon. ~ Linne

  15. inês

    the chai is a great great ideia!!! I´ll definitly try it
    I didin^t know your blog but congrats its wonderfull!!!

  16. Pingback: Start a Green Smoothie Habit for the New Year!

  17. Pingback: Slow Cooker Dirty Chai « anunrefinedvegan

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