This Is Hard

This is about the time when I would be announcing the date for the next Virtual Vegan Potluck.  After many weeks of going back and forth between just sucking it up and going ahead with the May Potluck – or calling it off – I’ve decided that I need to skip the spring event and focus on other things.  I have to heed the signs the universe has been sending me to back off on some of my self-made commitments.

Between dreams of both my teeth and hair falling out, general irritability, grinding my teeth at night, a house that desperately needs a spring cleaning, and finally, an injury that requires physical therapy, I feel that I cannot take on the work (and sitting) that managing the Potluck takes.  I hate to do it – the Potluck has really become a highlight of my blogging experience.  But, I hope that you all understand and that you’ll stick with me until the next Potluck in the fall.  P.S. this is not an April Fool’s joke…

On a happier note, this month I’ve got several giveaways scheduled, including one on April 3 for a copy of Sweet Debbie’s Organic Treats: Allergy-Free and Vegan Recipes From the Famous Los Angeles Bakery!

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52 thoughts on “This Is Hard

  1. The Vegan 8

    Oh Annie, I totally understand!! I cannot even imagine how much work it is. And you do such a fabulous job at it too. Blogging is a lot of work that most don’t realize, unless they blog regularly of course. If you are having dreams of your teeth and gair falling out, yeah, you definitely need a break!!! :)

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      It’s nuts how much work/effort blogging takes!! I guess it’s kind of caught up with me. Anyway…thank you, dear, for you kind words and your support! xoxo

  2. tearoomdelights

    Good for you, having the guts to make that decision. I’m sorry to hear about your injury and hope that a bit of physio and a break from the strains of a major blogfest will help the healing process. I made the decision this year to cut down on blogging because although I enjoy it, it does take up a lot of time and effort. As a result I’ve managed to get other things done that I wouldn’t have achieved otherwise. The amount of work you put into the Potluck is incredible, I don’t know how you’ve done it so many times already. I think all your fellow bloggers will be right behind you. Anyone who has a blog knows how much work it can be, never mind arranging an international mulit-blog event like the VVP. Here’s to the spring cleaning and a good break!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      I was wondering about your absence, Lorna. I applaud your decision to back off a bit and I’ll be joining you soon (once I wrap up some review/giveaway obligations…) on a real blogging break. I just need it. Thank you, as ever, for your support.

  3. Choc Chip Uru

    I hope you feel better very soon my friend, but I can understand why you need this break. It can be very taxing and demanding but please, relax and enjoy yourself and make sure you are ok :)

    BiG hugs!!
    Choc Chip Uru

  4. Ali @ Farmers Market Vegan

    I fully support this decision, Annie. You take the time you need–the blogosphere will be here, ready, and willing for another VVP whenever (and if ever) you want to run another one.

  5. Laura @ the gluten-free treadmill

    I’m sad to not have the VVP this spring, but so glad you are prioritizing and doing what’s best for you and yours! I’ll look forward to the fall!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      Thanks, Laura! This will give me the energy for an even better VVP in November ;-)!

  6. Hannah

    I’m sure everyone can appreciate how difficult a decision this was to make. We’ve all been there :)

    I hope you feel better soon!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      Thank you, Hannah. I’m always blown away at how supportive this community is!

  7. biggsis

    Love the card. It’ all good. Now that you’ve done the hard part of letting go, take a big breath and enjoy the nice part of letting go :-)

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      I wrestled so long about this – that yes, it feels great to “get it off of my chest!” Breeeeaaathhh…

  8. Barb@ThatWasVegan?

    I’ve also been having dreams about my teeth falling out… does that mean I’m stressed?

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      Oh no!! Horrible dreams, aren’t they? Yes. Yes, I’m afraid it does mean you’re stressed. It’s a classic dream. Loss of control, sign of changes ahead, anxiety…

  9. Cadry's Kitchen

    I’ve heard that, like an allergy, the universe talks in whispers and then gets louder and louder until you get the message. With your dreams, injuries, and teeth grinding, it sounds like it couldn’t be clearer! You definitely deserve a break. I can only imagine how much work VVP is for you. If it’s already adding stress and hasn’t even started, clearly you need to skip it this time around. Take it easy and hopefully your stressful dreams will make way for sweet ones!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      Apparently I’m hard of hearing! Getting this out there has already helped – – sweet dreams are on the way ;-)!

  10. kayseartsandhealth

    Take your well deserved break and enjoy it! It is so very important to take care of ourselves and to learn to say no when we need to. Take care!

  11. Jacqueline Fisch

    Props for tuning into the signs before they started screaming at you!

    PS – I’m glad I’m not the only one dreaming about losing my teeth! XO

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      Yeah, it took a while, but I finally listened!! Ugh – one of the worst dreams, right?

  12. coconutandberries

    Please don’t feel bad about it Annie. I can’t even imagine how much organizing the Potluck takes! Just regular blogging is a major mission and takes a huge amount of time. I so enjoyed taking part in the November potluck and look forward to participating again this coming November. Once a year is plenty! Hope you find some time for a good rest :)

  13. TheVeganKat

    Sorry to hear about your injury! I hope you heal quickly! Don’t feel bad about taking a much needed break. I know you put a ton of time and effort into the VVP and we’ll all join in again in the fall :)

  14. Amy @ parsley in my teeth

    We are all so appreciative for what you do with the VVP. I can’t even imagine how much behind-the-scenes work you do to pull off such a great event. If there is anything I can do for the fall VVP to lessen your burden, I, and I’m sure many others, would jump at the chance to help you. So kick your shoes off, let your hair down, and take a very well-deserved break!

  15. zsudever

    Please take care of yourself and get better! We’ll look forward to the fall. Thank you for all your hard work!

    Zsu @ Zsu’s Vegan Pantry

  16. Poppy

    Good for you for being honest to yourself and listening to your body and the universe that you need to slow down. All it means is that the next VVP will be even more exciting xox

  17. Brittany

    I will definitely miss the gathering, but completely understand your need to call it off!! There will be plenty of times for more in the future! All the more time to brainstorm new ideas! 😉

  18. Richa

    those dreams are scary. take a break and enjoy the spring and summer. heal soon too.
    Fall will be here before you know it and we all will be here waiting for the VVP too!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      Thanks, Richa. It’s hard to make myself slow down, but sometimes that’s the only option!

  19. Becky

    Aw, I’ll miss the potluck but am glad that you’re opting for self care. Your consistency with VVP over the years has really impressed me, and I’m glad you’re able to recognize when you need to go easy on yourself!

    1. An Unrefined Vegan Post author

      I knew I couldn’t give it my best this time around. But I’ll be extra ready for November ;-)!

  20. Gabby @ the veggie nook

    Hugs Annie, I hope life calms dow for you soon! And of course I understand, couldn’t have you all stressed over the Potluck! We will all be here again in the fall :) xox

  21. Rachael (@rubbercowgirl)

    I’m sorry that there will not be a spring potluck, but totally understand! I hope you recover quickly. Love & light.

  22. Pingback: Supplements: A Hate-Love Story (and How Needles Saved My Arse) « anunrefinedvegan

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