Cinnamon Apple “Toast.” Raw, Gluten- and Sugar-free.

stack of toastWhen low, gray clouds scud across the blue and mornings are cool enough for a flannel shirt and the leaf tips of the winged elms, hackberrys, scrub oaks, and bois d’arcs turn brown, I feel like baking bread.  But, I’m eating less bread these days.  Why?  I don’t really know.  Call it an experiment; a phase.  I’m sure it will be short-lived, but in the meantime, instead of whole wheat cinnamon toast slathered in peanut butter and topped with a thick slice of banana, I’m eating raw cinnamon “toast” made of apples and nuts and sweet potato.  Slathered in peanut butter and topped with a thick slice of banana.

Have you signed up yet for the November 16 Virtual Vegan Potluck?  If not, you can do it here.

Cinnamon Apple  ”Toast”
Makes ~24 large pieces

1 cup walnuts, soaked overnight
5 dates, soaked for ~15 minutes
1 apple, cored
1 small sweet potato, peeled and cut into small pieces (about 1 cup)
1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice
1/2 of a banana
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cardamom
pinch salt, optional
1 cup  flaxseed meal
1/4 cup flaxseeds
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup raw hulled hemp seeds

In a food processor, process the walnuts through the salt until nearly smooth.  You’ll need to scrape down the bowl of the processor a few times.

In a large bowl, combine the flaxseed meal, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and hemp seeds.  Pour in the walnut mixture and stir until thoroughly combined.  Spread the mixture onto a Teflex dehydrator sheet to just a hair under 1/2″ thick and neaten up the edges.  Gently score the dough into desired shapes.  Place in the dehydrator and dehydrate at 145F for 30 minutes, then turn down the temperature to 115F and continue to dehydrate the “toast” until is dry and very crispy, about 20-24 hours.

Tip: about 2 hours in, I carefully flip the “toast” by placing a mesh sheet + dehydrator tray on top of it, and then I gently remove the Teflex sheet.  This speeds up the dehydrating process.

Break the “toast” into pieces and store in an air-tight container.  To serve, top with fruit-sweetened jam, natural almond or peanut butter – or your favorite toast toppings.

For crackers, spread the batter to about 1/4″ – you’ll need two trays and the drying time will be less.

toast collage

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One thought on “Cinnamon Apple “Toast.” Raw, Gluten- and Sugar-free.

  1. Sawsan@ Chef in disguise says:

    I love the flavors in this toast and of course all the healthy ingredients
    I need to get a dehydrator soon!


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